Violent Security of a Businessman's Family

Posted On 06.03.2013

This article was written by Colonel (Ret.) Beni Tal – Founder and Owner of BTS Security

Failed businessmen often leave behind debts to owe to not particularly friendly creditors and by doing so they risk their own lives and more importantly – the lives of those surrounding them.

A few days ago, we were approached by the parents of a wealthy businessman who found himself in great debt and was subsequently forced to declare bankruptcy and flee the country.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for the individuals he owes the money to, because they still believe he has the money and so they came to his office, stole whatever they could and after that they came by his house and threatened his wife and children. The parents wanted them safe and sound.

The creditors' home visits became more and more frequent and so we decided to move the family to a remote location and change their phone numbers. As a matter of fact we cut them off from their previous identities and lives. bts-51

We hid their cars in an underground parking situated in another city and set tight security around their house to prevent it from being burned or broken into. The offices were already re-rented so we knew that we won't be expecting any problems there.

We set visible security teams around the house alongside cameras and very strong lighting. However, the security of the family itself becomes more difficult because the children do not understand why they can't go to their old school and the wife's life also changes and the entire family doesn't really understand why they have to go under the radar far from their natural habitat and friends.

It is safe to say that their lives have completely changed but this is the mission we took upon ourselves to complete – and we will continue doing it until the other side surrenders. As far as we are concerned, we can last up to a year and a half.


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